Third-Degree Synergy

posted by Jordan on 2009/4/2 (Comics)

And I'm back. A special thanks to Crazed for filling in on a missed update for me. Hopefully, together we can fill in any lack of updates for whatever reasons.

Secondly, another special thanks to Crazed for a new feature. If you look beneath the comic, there should be a new icon in the "toolbar." We now have a search function! It matches special tags that we give each comic, so if you want to look something up, but can't remember which issue it was, maybe this can help out. You should be able to see the tags for each comic beneath them as well, so you can get an idea of what to search for. So start searching!

If you run into any problems with searching, or have any other concerns shoot me or Crazed an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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