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We Had to Use the Joke Eventually
posted by A on 2011/8/31 (Comics)
And this closes out our anti-heroes time as guests of the Ivory Veil. For those who saw the joke coming, I hope we used it in a pleasing manner! We will be running filler comic strips for the next week or so while we work on the next storyline.
BTW, please please please, vote for us on top web comic. It;s really not a big deal TODAY, but they reset stats the first of the month, so if you could all get out there and vote like crazy TOMORROW, that would be wonderful. We are working on putting up some vote incentives, and if we can break into the top 100, we have some special things planned.
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I just wanted to pop in and assure you all that another comic is deep into production and that with a little luck it will be live in no time at all.
Stay tuned!

My guess is that we meet a new recurring villain, perhaps an insulted rival now seeking vengeance (Remind you of anyone? :n) )
I also think we shall see some good old fashioned adventuring to raise funds for the next time the Antiheroes encounter the Veil. Dragon hunting, anyone?
Your thoughts on this?
P.S. To Leakingpen & Crew,
Loving the deviousness of Aldran, hoping to see more of it in the near future :n)
An Anonymous Patron

Also, it's nice to know that Eldhin can equal Aldran when it comes to the Genre Savvy department. Nice job, please keep it going!

Paeris, uhhh, Zurie is. Her hair is dark green.
Taekwondo.... There is no bob and george reference here. There WILL be bob and george references coming up soon, but there is not one in this issue...

Such a funny spell Explosive Runes is. We can all thank Vaarsuvias for making it popular.
Again, good job with the comic.
anti-HEROES is in good hands !
By the way, have we ever seen Eldhin smile before?
Thanks to everyone for the very kind words of support, this transition from Zara to Leaking Pen and I couldn't have happened without you all making our efforts worth while. Lastly thanks again to Zara for trusting your comic to two fans who wanted to help keep it going! It's been a great experience to help wrap this arc up, and I can't wait to get started on the next one!

Fan-tastic! That's right, I have to emphasize the syllabic change, it was just that amazing. I enjoy the allusion to Looney Tunes greatly, and the IPERTM gag was quite well delivered. I truly do enjoy the depth you are showing in Eldhin. He is not just a villain, he is not just a Paladin-Wannabe. No, he is a character. Yeah, he fights his brother. But I think you really show that they are brothers.
P.S. I quite appreciate the fate of Swashbuckling-Wench-Girl.
An Anonymous Patron.

I guess Eldhin was expecting it, on both fronts!
Nice Warner Brothers mention too!
Looking forwards to see the fillers, well done again!