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There Are Better Spells For This Kind of Thing
posted by Jordan on 2010/3/9 (Comics)
Alright, so first of all, let me apologize up front. As I usually tend to do. I really don't know why I disappeared for over a month, aside from "work reasons." I could potentially blame it on Mass Effect 2 stealing a lot of my time, but I don't actually find myself playing it a lot. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic game, but I just haven't had time to sit down and really play it, much less sit down and make a comic...
Anyway, for anyone who still actually cares about this website, here's the issue I promised so long ago. Once again, my apologies for the wait.
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business ideas
Oh, please. Seriously?! It doesn't take much effort to check a web page to see if there's an update.
Anyway, see the farthest right icon at the bottom right of the comic? That's the RSS feed and means you don't have to come to the page and moan about there not being an update.
Seriously, Jordan, it would be a good idea to at least post something every now and then - I'm getting a little sick of checking this page every day only to find nothing of note.

...Ahem. Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
I love the comic and I'm sure it will resume in due time.

sappiness aside, I also take pleasure in knowing that Jordan is a student and like most students (including myself) is far too busy to work on his fancomic but will get to it over the summer...unless he gets a summer job...damn it...
that's my 2 cents for the dead debate my 2 cents for the defination of anti hero is that while there are many personal definations mine is a hero who is just too bad ass to be good and even breaks the rules constantly. Or maybe even someone like deadpool, he's not really a "hero" much more a mercenary who does what he pleases (good or bad) but people still regard him high esteem? Like as a hero? Anyway it's a personal thing in my opinion
anyway I typed waaaay more then I intended and (like jordan) I have school tomorrow and shouldn't be up this later q:
There could be only one conclusion. Jordan Quigley must be dead.

(The comic will probably end when Arderas dies due to, well, comics being hard to make and all that. Unless WE get a Deus Ex Machina...

Also, do you think bringing down Arderas will end up being the whole point of the comic at this rate?

(Now, this can be a good thing--cheap underhand tactics are lifesavers. However, if you were to, say, get arrogant and overconfident, you're screwed.

(The most Genre-Savvy way, of course, being to accept defeat, that they can't escape, and then have a Deus Ex Machina save them.

By the way, I think this forum is another motivator to visit this site and keeps people attention until the next comic stripe. Thus it lowers the probability of loosing fans. Keep it going!
Think it'll work? It'll take a miracle...
It was just the over-a-month delay with no info from the author that made me worried about it. Maybe it would be a good idea to update the "about" section or put an author's message board with information about actual status (like "I need longer break, see you next month").
Now I've seen more speculations about the comic being dead or alive in earlier posts on the forum. I haven't read everything. Sorry about that.
I really hope Viashivon is right about the continuation of the series. Even if it was said in a hostile manner

Why? mentioned trolls. Now, I happen to know a few things about trolling. (Regrettably, even some first-hand experience.) People who troll tend to enjoy it. (At least, at the time. Better human beings who fall into the trap of trolls will eventually regret it. Lesser humans, though...) Why they enjoy it varies. My own experience with trolling was a follow the leader; I just said what others had said before me, equally as harsh, fueling the flame. I (rightfully) almost got banned for it. That scar will never leave my record, now. But, at the time, I remember that it felt good. It made me feel better, though I'm not sure why. Perhaps I delusionally thought it was a good thing, or maybe it just...made me feel superior.
That kind of troll needs to be disciplined, as these feelings can get worse over time. (Egos grow, arrogance overrides reason, and people get reckless.)
...But not with words too harsh, because if they feel like you're insulting them, they'll go berserk.
I've also been there next to someone who had fun trolling. He would often go to, say, a Naruto forum, then start a new thread, with words such as "X is gay" and watch the flames burn. For an even more intense inferno, he'd back it up with evidence for a grander blaze. Why? Because he felt like messing with other people, I believe it was. (Either that, or trolling just for the sake of trolling.)
So, in general, I've found that trolls WANT people to respond. They want flames to feed off of. They will try any dirty, cheap tactic to get someone cursing profanities at them, because in some sick, twisted way, they find it entertaining. And worse, it only takes one to set off a chain reaction, with others following the first.
Does it need to be stopped? Yes, it does. But your words seemed a bit too fierce. I fear they'll feed the flame, instead of crushing it. Fighting fire with fire, BAD idea. Your scorn of their comments is justified. But it might be the exact thing they were hoping to get as an answer, just to make someone angry. You put a strong voice into your words, a very intense rage. But that's what most trolls want--and those that don't want it are rarely scared of it. Instead, you should try a more calm approach. Even if you yourself are outraged, expressing this is not a good idea, so instead, you must get the appearance of a calm, cool supporter who points out all the flaws in the troller's logic, why it's bad, why they should stop, etc. I feel you will find better success in that manner.
Are you suggesting that it is dead because you want it to be? Are you too stupid and just can't understand the concept of "Not dead until I say it's dead"? Or, are you just trolling for arguments to feel better?
Either way if you don't have something constructive or funny or pertinent, shut the hell up.
If you want to go, go. If you want to stay, stay.
Just enjoy the comic when it comes along. And when the comic comes out and it makes you laugh out loud, be happy that it didn't cost you a dime for a little "this just made my day" pleasure.

Very, VERY possible, considering Lana has previously proven she doesn't use vamp abilities exclusively.
"4: If none succeed, expect deus ex machina in the form of Aldran's brother coming to free him as part of the "Plan""
Nah, that's not a Deus Ex Machina. Not random enough.

4a: A real deus ex machina.
4b: Brother to the rescue!
I think those are some very good ways. 'Cept Deus Ex Machina can be a lot of things, and that's one I would personally love to expand upon some time.

“I have just discovered the wonders of the RSS feed and was hoping that this comic had one, and it does. It's just that according to the feed, there have been no updates to the comics. Ever. When I first got the OOTS RSS, it listed every single comic ever posted. Is there something wrong with the RSS feed or is it just normal?”
It lists the latest 10 comics.
Feel free to put up a betting pool on internets and cookies.
1: Look for singe marks from poor Aldran's fireball. If there ARE any, that means that that area is not immune to magic. Send Kael through it, listen for the screams of pain, then laugh.
2: Presupposing 1 is not possible, attempt to polymorph if possible into SOMETHING small enough to go between the bars.
3: If 2 is impossible, try to pick the lock if anyone can, then you've got 2 people free, at least one of which is guaranteed to be good at killing things.
4: If none succeed, expect deus ex machina in the form of Aldran's brother coming to free him as part of the "Plan"
5 (If playing Dark Heresy): Roll 6 righteous furies when tapping the entrance.
“but a more realistic view is that Anti-Heroes doesn't update on any schedule: it updates when there is time and it is convenient to do so.”
Yeah the last comic I read that said it would, 'update when I can' started off great, updating twice a month, which is acceptable for me, but soon got to once a month and then never updating.......
After a year and a half of no updates the author will still come to the site sometimes saying how she's sorry and will try to update soon.........I do still go there about once a month though, so I guess that says something.......
Aprils Fools..
I know, I know it was a total stretch for even a joke.. At least April Fools jokes should be at least believable..
“Mass-effect 2 killed anti-heroes”
Zarah barely played ME2 - that is certainly not the reason for inactivity.

"Oh, shut up, you're not fooling anyone, you know."
"I feeel happpyyyy!"
Just thought I'd throw a little Monty Python in there. Seemed appropriate.
No, Anti-Heroes is not dead. You're being pessimistic.
Of course, by no means do I expect anyone to be an optimist (updates when promised, updates on a semi-regular basis, updates every week/month, that kind of thing), but a more realistic view is that Anti-Heroes doesn't update on any schedule: it updates when there is time and it is convenient to do so. Meaning, it will constantly risk losing a fans, and will always be at risk of death by some other factors--
But it's not dead, yet. Of course, I'm pleasantly surprised when the comic does update--and that's comment worthy. But due restrain yourself from complaining about the status quo--meaning, don't complain about there NOT being a comic. If you want a comic which updates when you want it to, make one yourself, don't bother others with this.
(Remember my comment about flaming? Yup, still applies.)

Or at least an update. Jeez, what's with these vector-based comics? Why are they always late, no matter who puts 'em out?

“PS: I keep getting "e-mail address is not valid" when adding my e-mail to my posts.”
Hm, really? Could you please type the email address you were trying to use? Or, if you'd like, you can email me at

PS: I keep getting "e-mail address is not valid" when adding my e-mail to my posts.
Now I canĀ“t tell what is better... if actual fire ball or dancing knights

and i still cant spell XD

A fairly good one, too.

Can't wait for more! (Well...actually, I can wait. For a month. Or two. Or three...

Awesome comic.
Everybody else says it, but i guess one more "I care" wont hurt.

In any case, great work.
Looks like people do still care

Thank you.

Though I would have expected better from a prison run by Paladins, I mean, isnt prisoner abuse technically a crime? Maybe its just in the grey area.

Just keep it up!

And seriously, people really do care (like me and all the other people who commented).

I actually started reading your comic between this update and the last so i've been quite busy