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Part of This Complete Breakfast
posted by Jordan on 2009/7/19 (Comics)
Apologies for taking so long again, but I'll give a hefty thanks to Crazed who filled in some of the downtime. I wanted to get this comic done for Saturday, but things just get piled up too much for me to finish. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get some real sleep...
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Great comic

... I sense a disturbance in Bugbear population...
i bet that blood will come back to haunt her...
@moriarty: i'm sure lana keeps food she enjoys with her as she travels...
If it takes you a few weeks to update i really won't mind.
I really like your comic your doing a good job of keeping the plot and funny still fresh thats something alot of comics fail at doing by comic 200. Keep up the good work man.

Does anybody these days actually know where that meme came from? Because you do, this comic becomes extra hilarious.
2. Adventurers' friends come to dark scary place
3. Adventurers' families come to dark scary place
4. ????
5. Profit!
that gnome buys some strange cereals!
Damn adventurers. They must breed like rats. I've found adventuring parties no less than three times this week!
2. Wait for adventurers to arrive.
3. ??
4. Profit.
Very nice. I enjoy the kind of comics that work their jokes or references in smoothly.