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How Awkward...
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/20 (Comics)
This whole regular updating thing is really paying off. And the kicker is that I'm still ahead! It's a crazy world, alright.
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But since she is suppose to be a Villain but isnt, we need a guy who is suppose to be a Hero but isnt. Thats why this comic is called Anti-Hero and not "Reluctant-cast-of-Dogooders-with-a-loose-moral-compass" or some baloony like such.
Did I make my point?
Kres: I'm sure there's a valid plot reason for it that we'll get somewhere down the road. I kind of suspect he has friends in very high places.
Actually make a pretty good book, would anyone here buy it?
Figures they would have this encounter in a superstitous burn happy village. Hurray for circumstances!
I suspect there's more to this than Laris "tracking" so many plane jumps while an inch from death locked in a warehouse, and I'd wager it's the same reason he's not (apparantly) a vampire. I still wonder what he's trying to pull by acting so overt, though. Especially when he probably knows Lana has allies in the other room. Maybe he's going to elaborate on his "Helping" a bit?
Eep. This could be bad.
(Apparent Founder of the Zurie Fanclub)

Is the puzzle an acronym or several words that are scrambled? Is it a code for some sequence? (like OTTFFSSENT)
I kinda wonder how he could get there so fast though. I mean I dont doubt even one second he would have some way to find Lana no matter where she is, being a vampire hunter and all, but how did he manage to get there so fast without teleport?

Who doesn't love codes.....

Anyway, I'd rather not analyse the comic too much. Excellent again, as always! I wonder what Laris has up his sleeve.
And on the subject of Aldran making Lana a Vampire it is possible that the first Vampires were created by Necromancers and followers of the Dark Arts.
So its not a large leap to assume Aldran enacted the same method on Lana. You dont have to be a Vampire to make a Vampire... Or Wampyre.

Unless he's and Illusionist, which we have way too much of in this story already, then he has not disguised his true form.
As it stands, I believe the story needed someone like Laris to come along. He is in every way more competent than the "Heroes" band and is actually a force to be reckoned with. Basically, he is a true Hero which, as Aldran said, every true Villain needs.
With Andil out of the way, for the moment, Lana needed someone to contend with. Otherwise her part in the story becomes irrelevant.
My thoughts atleast.
@Blackjack: maybe he has become some form of ghoul?

Perhaps all blood need to be drained in order to turn someone into a vampire?
Which means we all seriously underestimated Laris, by a great deal. Cant wait till Thursday!