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It Gets Worse?
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/2 (Comics)
So, 2009. Let's start off on a good foot, shall we?
First of all, let me thank everyone for being patient with me. I know it's been a rough month with so few updates, and believe me, I was as frustrated as I'm sure many of you were. However, here we are in 2009, on the first-year anniversary of Anti-Heroes, and I have some work under my belt again, so I can afford to get a little behind if I need to. I'm hoping I can keep a schedule going for at least a little while and hopefully keep the buffer I've made. I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked, but it should be enough. Oh, and on the same subject of keeping a steady schedule, I've decided that I'm going to drop Sunday updates. It was always a mood-crusher knowing that no matter what kind of a buffer you had, a weekend would reduce it to nothing pretty quickly. So, I'll be trying to keep it at 3 times a week from now on.
I thought I had more I wanted to say, but I can't remember it now, so for all you readers, I hope you all have a great New Year, and here's to another 365 days of this comic.
Oh, and for any of you readers who may have seen Play! a Video Game Symphony before, have any opinions on them? I'm going to see them next Friday in Edmonton, and may have a chance to meet Jeremy Soule too, which would be pretty awesome, but I'd like to hear what some others think about them too.
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On a random side note, ivory isn't always off-white and can range in color from a very light off-white to pure black.

DUN DUN DUNNNNN! *ominous*
Looking good, Zarah.

“What about our PbP campaign, Zarah?”
You guy's will really have to forgive me for that one. I completely lost track of time over the past month, and have only really had a moment to check into a few times.
I think from the moment that I first started that, I might have bit off a bit much to chew all at once, what with me having to worry about however many other things at the same time. I don't really want to, but I think I may have to put that campaign on the back burner while I straighten some other things out first. Again, I'm really sorry to you, and the other players, and for anyone who was following along. Hopefully, I'll be able to revive it once I have some more time...

Excellent comic, Zarah. Here's to another year of awesome comics.
Happy 2009, and Happy Birthday Anti-Heroes.
Niley: It's called the Jedi Temple, and yes, it does look a bit like it.

I love how Lana is still in the bush. xD
Awesomesauce as usual!
Listening to epic music=awesome
Listening to epic music while reading anti-heroes and have the song hit the right majestic note just as I reach the part with the scary Jedi-temple thing=Fun Awesome