Search 12 results have been found for crystal ball. "crystal ball" May, 2012 #264: Awww, I Wanted On... Wait "balloon animal" May, 2009 #181: He Makes Himself Clear April, 2009 #178: And You Were There #177: This is Where Rocks Fall "empowered fireball" September, 2008 #122: And He Doesn't Mean Illidan "delayed blast fireball" February, 2009 #163: And That's Why We Have the FDA "fireball" July, 2011 #225: I Think I Can't March, 2010 #214: There Are Better Spells For This Kind of Thing December, 2008 #138: Original Recipe September, 2008 #120: Aldran Extra Protection, With Wings! April, 2008 #69: Seeing Things January, 2008 #11: Extra Crispy