Daily Archive 05/27/2008

Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Twenty to One

posted by Jordan on 2008/5/27 (Comics)

A cookie for the first one to figure out what the odds given in the title are for.

Secondly, apologies for the late update today, but I've recently gotten back into playing Warcraft 3, and yes, I'm on Battle.net. Zarah is my screenname, but pretty much the only maps I play are role-playing ones. The classics where you spawn all your units and make up your stories from scratch. They're really great maps if you've got a good imagination and love role-playing. Unfortunately, finding a game on B.net these days is easier said than done.

So, if anyone still pokes around with Warcraft, then maybe we could play an RP map together sometime? There's always a need for more RPers on B.net!

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